Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Dear Friends,

We have reached a stage in our postings, where we have to take a hard look at the "Superman" who is slated to succeed the human being as the leader of evolution on planet Earth. Since we have concluded that Superman will evolve out of the current human race, we have to see what components in the humanity qualifies to be fine-tuned and carried forward to the Superman. As per the prototype of the Superman, as revealed by "The Mother" of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, these components are only "the Brain & the Nervous System". We can understand this better by discussing the process of this collaborative evolution. (Please refer to my posting No.1 {para 12} below).
However, the human has to come to terms with a new entity within him which has not yet surfaced in the ordinary course of his evolution. This entity is loosely called the 'soul', but for our practical purpose we call it the "Psychic Being" (being the source all consciousness & psychology of man). Man is a 'mental being' and that is what distinguishes him from the animal. So also, Superman will be a 'Psychic Being' and that is what will distinguish him from the human being. Hence, the emergence of the Psychic Being in the human system is the first condition for this upward evolution from man to superman.
What is this "Psychic Being"?. This is the question we have to tackle now. In this world, there are certain entities who can never be destroyed; neither do they 'die' nor are they 'created'! So, where are they existing? The answer lies in another question > "Have you ever experienced the 'infinity of Space' & 'the eternity of Time'?" . The human mind, the buddhi, can intellectually accept the concept of infinity&eternity. But it has no real time experience of it. Right? Well, the Psychic Beings are existing in that dimension, but right inside us, the humans. If you want to experience infinity&eternity, then you should bring forward the Psychic Being which should become your 'central being' in place of the 'mental ego'. The mental being is only a coordinator of your activities in mental nature. But the Psychic Being is the Boss, it possesses the 'whole of you'.
In fact, you are the Psychic Being. You have to evolve from the status of a mental being to the status of a psychic being! ( If you can make any animal understand, tell them "You are a mental being and you can evolve from the status of a sense being to the status of a mental being(buddhi). The buddhi is involved in your 'manas'. Bring it forward and manifest it and become a human being")
We know that space is infinite but we are unable to experience it. Is there an 'infinite space' and a 'finite space'? Is there an 'eternal time' and a 'temporal time'? The answer is YES. In the experience of the temporal time, there is a past, present & future. But in the experience of the eternal time, there is only the 'moment'. The buddhi can tackle the experience of the temporal time, while the 'intuition' can tackle the experience of the eternal time. We may say that 'truths' are lined up in eternity and 'intuitions' bring it forward into temporal time and manifest it through 'buddhi'. Using computer terminology, we may say that all 'truths' are stored in a hard disk in eternity in a 'Server'. Intuition is the 'system software' which access these truths and bring it into the 'user software buddhi'. The human brain is the hardware of the front end terminal in material time where it gets converted to real time usage. This is what has happened in Einstein's brain when he declared his famous formula! These types of 'truth manifestations', we usually call 'genius'. But genius can be a full time faculty. It will be so for the superman.
Shall we peep into this hard disk in eternity? Let me present the salient features:-
1. 'Intuition' is a system software with network capabilities;
2. Psychic Beings are the users of the front end hard ware, the brain;
3. Buddhi is the front end 'user cum system software'
4. Intuition connects all the psychic beings who exist in material time(our experience of time)
5. Each psychic being has a 'uniqueness' which distinguishes it from other psychic beings (its
IP address)
6. Intuition delivers truths 'packet by packet' to the buddhi according to its real time
requirements( the requirement of the 'moment') to each IP address
7. Thus, the Psychic Beings will deal with their environment and other psychic beings with
'harmony' because every truth is coming from the same source and there is no clash of
interest or competition.
8. The hard disk contains 'truths', well designed and fool proof, to guide the psychic beings to
manifest their uniqueness in our T&S.
9. The truths are existing as 'Real Ideas' in the HD.
10. The Psychic Beings will 'materialise' it in our space.
11. Humans materialise mental ideas and Supermen materialise intuitions.
12. We can expect that, in all fields of their activity, the Supermen can beat the humans.
13. And, thus they will be the leaders of evolution in our planet!
14. Yes, it is an evolving 'knowledge world'.
Do you want to take this 'quantum jump'?

Monday, January 7, 2008


Dear Friends,
Thank you for all your mails & comments.
How is time, space & evolution interconnected? This is something we should understand in the correct spiritual sense. Let us recall what we have already stated in earlier postings:-
1. It is "the emergence of consciousness" that is the significance of evolution on Earth.
2. The highest entity evolved is the 'human' & and the highest consciousness evolved & manifest in him is 'Buddhi'(Intelligence & Reason) .
3. Now the time has come to take the next step in evolution, to go beyond 'buddhi'.
4. Will Nature do this on her own or the human can collaborate?
5. Since the human has become self-conscious and aware of his environment, he can collaborate in his own evolution and accelerate it to a considerable extent. {This was not possible for the animal} At the stage of humanity, evolution becomes self-conscious.
6. The new type which will come into existence as a result of evolution beyond humanity is called 'Superman' by Sri Aurobindo.
7. The new consciousness which will evolve and manifest in the superman is a range of consciousness beyond 'buddhi'.
Having said that, let us proceed to consider finer points on 'Time, Space & Evolution'.
In a way, we can say that:-
Time = Consciousness
Space = Substance / Matter(where matter & energy are interchangeable)
Evolution = The process of unfoldment & manifestation of involved contents
Based on the above concepts, if we study the process of evolution from big-bang up to now, we may draw the following conclusions as per the logic of our buddhi:-
a. In Nature, the 'Atom' was formed to be the basic unit of matter/substance
b. Whatever entities which has further evolved in nature, has the 'atom' as its basic unit.
c. Hence, we can conclude that all that has evolved was already involved in the atom. Only whatever was involved can evolve. That is why in nature there is evolution and not miracles.
d. So, we have to restate that the atom contains energy & consciousness apart from the sub-atomic particles in its nucleus.
e. To place this sequentially, if we can observe deeper into matter, we may encounter:-
1. particles
2. Material Energy Field
3. Life Energy Field
4. Sense Consciousness (manas)
5. Buddhi (Intelligence&Reason)
Or, we may say, Buddhi is involved in Manas & Manas is involved in Life Energy which is involved in Material Energy where the particles are residing.
f. In the process of evolution, in the field of material energy and matter, 'life' evolves out of forms made of atomic matter, the inanimate becomes animate. The 'form' of the entity evolves from minerals & rocks to plant to facilitate the flow of 'life'.
g. As we have already stated, the next turn is for 'manas' to evolve out of 'living matter'. And, there is a corresponding change in the outer from to facilitate the manifestation of manas. We see the form of the animal coming into existence.
h. And then the 'buddhi' evolves out of 'manas' and the form of the 'human' come into existence.
i. Now, it is the turn of 'the range of consciousness' beyond buddhi to evolve out of buddhi.
There is range consciousness involved in buddhi waiting to evolve and manifest. The form which will evolve and manifest this range is called "Superman" and the consciousness that will emerge is called "Intuition".
At the stage of the human evolution, where 'buddhi' is his main faculty, there is a defenitive scale of awareness which has become operational. This awareness makes him aware of two components of his existence > Space & Time. He is aware that space is an infinite material extension and in this space, the unfolding events are measured in terms of 'time'. The buddhi can pinpoint an entity or an event with this two coordinates of T&S.
In my next posting we will consider the T&S aspects for the Superman

Friday, December 28, 2007


Dear Friends,

( If you have read my previous posting "Evolution of Man to Superman", then you can follow this article, else you may find it difficult to follow.)

(1) In my previous posting I wrote about T&S coordinates. This coordinate will fix your physical position on planet Earth at a particular time. I also wrote about a 'future' T&S position into which you can 'evolve'. Ordinarily, until the time arrives in the future, you can't be present in the proposed physical position. Suppose to day you say " I want to be in London on 31/12/2027 at 4 P.M", it is only a proposal for the future which can't be materialised today. Let us move on to take a look at this problem from another angle. As I told you in my previous posting, each paragraph will enumerate different ideas and everything will converge towards the end

(2) In yoga, 'Space' means a 'material extension' (infinite) and we presume that there is no space in the universe without 'matter' (either in the form of atoms, sub-atomic particles or any fundamental entities which compose matter( 'anu' {a Sanskrit term}). Also, we assume that matter and energy are interchangeable. That is, M may exist in the form of E also. We may say that space contains both E & M parameters.

(3) Likewise, what do we mean by 'Time' in yoga? Time is the third parameter of space. After the creation of this material universe(Big-Bang?) and further down the line in evolution, this time parameter is involved in the evolving material forms. T is involved in the field of E&M. Also, we should remember that T can exist only in a relational world! If there is no 'subject - object' setup or an 'observer and the observed' set up, Time is not activated in Space. Also, until Consciousness emerges in the field of Space, in the forms of E&M, Time is unmanifest. "Time is the essence of Consciousness".
(4) Thus we see that, through an evolutionary process, as the consciousness evolves and manifests in T&S, it creates its own forms suitable for its interaction in this world. Or, we may say, that there is a double evolution taking place simultaneously; and evolution of C & and a corresponding evolution of form. This is how, if the evolution takes place beyond 'buddhi', then it will evolve its own physical system(form) which we have called "Superman". So, there is a 'Superman Consciousness' and the 'Superman' himself.
(5) Now about the term 'future' : When we say 'future' we are referring to a certain projection into T which is yet to come. But, is there a change in the S parameter during this period?. Let me explain. In para (1) above there is a statement "I want to be in London on 31/12/2027 at 4 P.M." Here we are referring to a projection in time in the future. There is no projection for the Space parameter. London will not shift geographically during this period of 20 Years. But hold on.......
(6) Let us suppose there are two humans A & B located in New Delhi (Space Parameter) to-day and the above quotation refers to their statements. In 'A', let us assume that the 'Superman Consciousness' is working and evolving him into a 'Superman' and he will materialise his 'Superman Body' on that future date(31/12/2027). { For heaven's sake, don't think that you can become a Superman in 20 Years! This is only an example} And in 'B', there is the normal aging process as it happens for an ordinary human being. On 31/12/2027, we need to know the status of the S&T parameters of A&B.
(7) 'B' will have no problem, he can catch a flight and reach London and be present there at 4 P.M. on that day. Both his S&T parameters are fulfilled without ambiguity. What happens to 'B'?. During this 20 Years he has evolved into a Superman. He has undergone the following changes:
a) He has a physical body made of un-atomic substance, and consequently, his physical structure doe's not contain any part made up of atoms!
b) He has access to a consciousness higher than the buddhi.
C) Consequently, his perception has changed.
d) Just as an animal's perception is vastly different from that of a human, so also, a Superman's perception is different from that of a human. What is the perception of 'A' on London? Will there be more dimensions added in his perception.
e) How he will travel to London?. Will he dematerialise his body at New Delhi and materialise it at London?.
I will not venture to answer all these questions now. But be rest assured, Iam not off the mark in the above conclusions. (I will give you references for my conclusions later)
(8) But, what do we mean by 'un-atomic substance'? Sri Aurobindo calls it as a substance without 'division'. The present atomic substance makes it an 'existence by division'. The atoms are the final unit in this division. It is by agregating atoms>molecules>cells>organs> Human Body, that we exist physically. The future substance is indivisible and ONE. The Superman has the knowledge to individualise it into a physical body without the perception of division.
.....please await further writing on the subject....

Thursday, December 27, 2007

I. What we mean by the word "SUPERMAN"

Dear Friends,

It will take a few paragraphs before I can make you understand the subject. So, be patient and you will be rewarded amply! Each paragraph will take you into the subject matter from a different angle and finally will converge into total understanding.

(1) This blog wants to help you along into your journey to your future. Yes, we really mean your 'future'. Let me explain. To-day (on 27th December, 2007) I am stationed in Varanasi, India. This is my space-time coordinate at the moment of writing this. So also, you have a space-time coordinate while reading this. O.K?
(2) Next, let me explain the terms 'Space' & 'Time' from the yogic point of view.(I am sure science will also explain the same way). This explanation is with reference to a human being on planet Earth.
(3) Is it possible to seperate the time sense from the space sense in us? Normally, the answer is NO. For example, we say that I am at a particular place at a particular time. This statement will make a full sense. Suppose you say "I was in London", then I can encounter you with the question "when?". To make a full sense we require both the components of time & space. This question is relevant in a subject-object environment. You as an "object" explain and somebody as a "subject" understnds it completely. In a relational world we require an expression of space-time parameters to make full sense of what we talk.
(4) Now, let us come to the "subjective" world. This subjective world is not relational, because you are alone encoutering yourself. Now, the question is "Which part of us is encountering which part? The answer is " Your 'consciousness' is perceiving the 'rest' of you". In the relational world, it is the same consciousness which was encountering the objective world. But, now, it is encountering/observing the 'rest' of you.
(5) Modern physics will tell us that there are three components in this relational world. They are (1) Consciousness, (2) Energy & (3) Substance/Matter. The human being is composed of all these three components.(Though 'consciousness' is not fully understood by Science, they agree that it is there and plays a major roll in our daily life) For short we may call Consciousness=C, Energy=E and Matter=M. Coming to our previous explanation, we may say the C is observing the entity E+M.
(6) At the human level, we have two levels of C. One is 'sense' C and the other is 'intelligence&reason'. As per Indian Vedic knowledge, sense C = 'manas' (Sanskrit term) & intelligence C = 'buddhi' (Sanskrit term). The dinstinction between human and animal is that humans have Buddhi as an independant faculty, whereas animals depend mainly on manas and in them the buddhi is involved in the manas. Through evolution, from animal to man, this buddhi has evolved out of the manas and has become an independant faculty in the humans. So to claim that you are an evolved human being, you should make certain that your buddhi is managing your life and your manas. In other words, in you, the senses are under the control of your buddhi.
(7) If you look at the evolution in our planet from mineral > plant > animal > Humans, we can observe that the major characteristic is the evolution of consciousness with substance/matter as the base. In the mineral, life and all the levels of consciousness are involved but they are not manifest, perhaps due to lack of instruments. First, 'life' emerges in dead matter. The form of the substance in which life evolves changes its substance structure to allow the flow of life through it. What we call 'Plants' come into existence. In the living substance of the plants, consciousness emerges. Most of the plants are 'sensible' to conduct their own life and exchange energies with Nature. In them the sense C is rudiment but manges their life. In further evolution, through the aniaml, this sense C becomes an independent faculty. The animal lives by 'instinct' which is the main manifestation of sense C in the animal. The 'intelligence is rudimentary in the animal and is involved in its manas.
(8) When evolution reaches the stage of the human being, the buddhi involved in the manas evolves into an independant faculty. So also, the form changes, from animal to human, which allows an independant action of the buddhi.
(9) Taking the evolution forward logically, 'is there any faculty involved in buddhi which awaits evolutionary manifestation?' The answer is a big "YES"
(10) We call this consciousness as "Superman Consciousness" and the being which will manifest it is called "Superman". (The real technical terms will be expalined later)
(11) Please remeber, we are talking about the further evolution of human being on planet Earth (us). This evolution will embrace all three components in the human being, the C, E & M. For the first time in the evolutionary history of Earth, the 'being' can collaborate in its own evolution! This is because the human is a self-cinscious being and he can collaborate in his evolution. How to do this, we will deal with later.
(12) Has Sri Aurobindo given any indication of this new type of being who will succeed the humans? The answer is YES. In fact the work was carried forward by The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. And she has given the following indications regarding the new being- 'The Superman'
a) The major difference is that in Superman, the animality can't exist. The reproductive & digestive systems are dropped in his being.
b) His body will have the same shape as of the humans
c) His working consciousness will belong to higher ranges above the Budhi
d) He will be drawing enregy(for sustenance) directly from higher ranges
e) The 'matter' with which he is made will not be the current 'atoms' (as we know it)
f) A new type of body 'cells' will evolve to make his body
g) He will come into existence by materialising a body ( and not through procreation by parents)
h) Also the process of 'How this evolution will take place' & also, "how an individual human can collaborate in his own evolution" is also indicated by The Mother.
(13) This is the direction of your 'future'. If you want Mother Nature to evolve you into this possibility, then wait for a million years. Or, if you want to participate, collaborate and accelerate it, then you can start the process in this life itself.
(14) You have established your coordinates for this purpose when you read this, now. Do you want to continue in the current space & time (Natural Evolution) OR enter the new time & space as relevant to Superman? For each human being this option is open.
(15) The mineral has no perception of Time&Space(T&S) because there is no degree of consciousness manifest in it. The plant has a category of perception as relevant to the C in it. The animal has a perception of T&S as per the manas. The humans have a perception of T&S as per buddhi. Hence, it is the degree (shall we say quality) of C which decides the quality of perception. The higher the qulity of C, the higher the quality of perception. Let us remember an example: > For the humans, the sense perception compels him to believe that the Sun is going around the Earth. But the Buddhi corrects it and tells that the Earth is going around the Sun. Now, hold on: the same phenomenon is viewed from a consciousness higher than Buddhi. And what do they say "Neither the Sun nor the Earth moves". Just as an animal perception will not accept the intelligent perception of the Buddhi in this matter, so also, our intellect may not accept this verdict of the higher C. (More details on this later)
(16) Belive me, if you can. The arrival of the Superman is certain and inevitable. The best thing you can do is to become that (Superman)
(17) This is the revelation of Sri Aurobindo and he has paved the way for this to take place for the humans.
Are you ready for this adventure of Consciousness?
Sincerely Yours,
.....await my next posting......